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In October, 1952 at a meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland, the International Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides was inaugurated, and a provisional constitution was adopted (now known as the International Scout & Guide Fellowship [ISGF]. Eighteen countries became members initially - now some 59+. The constitution laid down where, in any one country there is more than one representative body of Former Scouts and/ or Guides, then only one federation of such representative bodies can be accepted. That is, the country is the unit of such membership, and the form of federation is left to each country to decide. In Australia, this body is known as AFOFSAG, or Australian Fellowship of Former Scouts & Guides.




Our members have various talents & skills which are offered to the Movements to help them grow.


A healthy social life enjoyed by Sub-Branch members includes - Organised Trips away, Caravaning / Camping occassions, Expeditions into various (including remote) areas of the Country & many other activities.


A History

In Great Britain, almost as soon as the first generation of Boy Scouts had passed through their training, branches of Old Scouts started to be formed with limited membership.


It was not until 1930 that efforts were made to organise these former Scouts as a reserve from which to draw assistance.

The Scout Guild was formed in 1948, and the title Scout B-P Guild was given in 1955.Denmark brought together former Scouts and Guides as the St. George Guild in 1934. Informal International meetings were held from 1948 to 1950, and larger conferences in 1951 and 1952.


In October, 1952 at a meeting in Lucerne, Switzerland, the International Fellowship of Former Scouts and Guides was inaugurated, and a provisional constitution was adopted. Eighteen countries became members.The constitution laid down where, in any one country there is more than one representative body of Former Scouts and/ or Guides, then only one federation of such representative bodies can be accepted. That is, the country is the unit of such membership, and the form of federation is left to each country to decide.The International


Fellowship supports World Scouting and Guiding, and has made grants to both the World Bureaus to assist Scouting and Guiding in Third World countries.


(Courtesy of the B-P Guild of Great Britain.)




Links to Guilds around the World

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